How TrueCaller can be Business Directory similar to Just Dial

TrueCaller has vast data of Mobile and Landline Numbers of People, Companies, Shops, Business and Institutes etc. in Indian context. TrueCaller an app on android platform can use this data to become a leading business directory, a phone number information provider, tell you about popular/good service providers in your area.

It is being assumed that TrueCaller would be collecting data in 2 ways. Individual Data – when a user registers/use app/installs app and Contact List Reading – reading contact list of user who installed the app by storing Contact Name and Number.

TrueCaller is using its database to provide information of a caller to the user using the app. If internet connection is good on phone then while phone is ringing information is displayed to the user. User can search for number, name from his contact list or TrueCaller’s database. Some further uses of this vast database can be used for:

Popular Service Provider

A user knows a contact number (of some service provider). He wants to know how popular is this service provider. Now, TrueCaller can  have an interface in app where after entering this number it shows how many users have this number stored with them.

Further it can be used to compare popularity between 2 or more numbers. A compare popularity screen in the app where user will provide numbers he want to compare and will get which number has how many Stored Count.

This result could be provided with more information like rating, reviews etc. which would be taken a bit later in this article.
Phone Number Information Provider

Currently app provides information on name, it can provide information like address, rating, review/comments etc.

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