How to do Online Promotion of Website? Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

Online promotion of webpany (Web Company), Webperty (Web Property), Web Sites and Web Services including Apsps, Gadgets and Widgets is essential for relevant users and more overall users as well. There are various activities required on a part of a person who is responsible for promotion of portals. Activities depends on what kind of webperty needs to be promoted. Is it a Website, Apps, Widget etc. and in website is it a product based, information based or service based web property.

For each of these different kinds of web property, a different kind of approach is required. Here, I would be sharing various activities that should be done and would be updating it often with new and existing techniques so as to have a complete list of tasks.


Search Engine Optmisation. Web People are aware of it and they know its importance. Every Webperty needs it for better visibility to Wusers (Web Users). There are several techniques to do SEO and each of the techniques are important for better SERP. Some of the areas include:

  1. SE friendly URLs
  2. Proper H1, H2 tags
  3. Optimal use Images
  4. Images Tags with alt text
  5. Inspect global site Navigation
  6. Check Category and Sub Category, pages linking i.e. internal linking
  7. Meta Tags – Title, Description and Keywords
  8. Content analysis and keywords in Content


Social Media Optimisation.  Wusers are actively engaged on social networks, bookmarking and other sharing websites. If the traffic comes from SEO i.e. Search Engines then to increase traffic SMO is next step. In last couple of months SMO has been given even more importance even by SEs. Various search engines now show social networks data as well in the form of likes, plus one by your friends and network.

This activity even if you don’t have any back links could prove to be very useful. As Search Engines now crawl social data and if a web property is getting more social attraction then it is worth to put it at a better position in search engine results is one of the weightage criteria in some search engines.


The two way benefit of book marking is that you browse the web and find some cool and useful stuff. At this stage you either mail the link to yourself or bookmark it in your browser.

  • So, first benefit is that with bookmarking sites you can bookmark and save a link in your account. And then if you are on a different browser on the same system or on a different system altogether then you can view all bookmarks by logging into account or using some kind of toolbar.
  • And secondly, other users are able to see your bookmarks as well (depending upon settings you have done). So, in this case you can bookmark the links you want to promote and get good traffic.

Blog Commenting

Don’t SPAM is the mantra. Write genuine comments and share your link (that needs to be promoted) only and only if it is required. Though it is not necessary that every time you have to give a link, many a times online comment without link is useful as well. Again there are 2 benefits.

  • You post a comment with a link, other users may find comment interesting and follow it
  • You post a comment without a link, and other users may find the comment useful and your reputation builds and in this many blogs have an option to provide website URL as well. If the comment is useful and users need more information then you can expect a Click.

Forum Posting

Again, never SPAM in a forum posting. Whether you are starting a new thread or posting a reply and you are new to forum, don’t try to put a link as most of the forums will BAN your account or deactivate for some time. Well moderated forums take a quick and strict action for such kind of activities.

Many forums works on the concept of reputation. With time and your activity rate it grows and you get more options and rights in the forum. Always try to share useful posts, topics and articles etc.

Blog Posting

You write articles, that cool. But Bloggers write articles to a news, technical updates and webpany updates etc. While writing articles, updates and analysis include a back link  to original article/posting. This would be useful for readers to read what the actual article says and with it now a days such sites have Links to this Post section and your link can come in there. Once your link is there you will receive more traffic and a back link.


Habit of writing is good and you can start your own blog on what you like. Write short, crisp or long articles. You will always find audience.


There are numerous websites where you should be present. Other than bookmarking, blogs and forums there are sites which monitors your traffic, revenue, whois, DNS and downtime etc. Just visit these kind of websites with your domain names and they will crawl your domain for various stats and analysis and acts a link page/profile page.

  • (domain, sub-domain)
  • (domain)

Profile Pages

Another important aspect is to having a profile page on various sits which offers such services. These could be from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Google+ and LinkedIn to myspace, ibibo and other sites where profile can be created. Such profile are crawled by most search engines and gives a good backlink and better visibility.


Many tools are available to make your activities better and smarter. Use of these tools depends on kind of activity one is doing. Various tools in this list are:

  • Auto Form Fill
  • Rank Checker in Search Engines (check if the particular search engines if they allowed use of such tools)
  • Feed Submission Tools and Auto posting of feeds. For sites like Twitter, Facebook etc. there are tools available which posts your updates from blogs etc. automatically on these sites.


  1. Promoting a Facebook Page – Various ways of promoting a Facebook page are there. But one of the important techniques (which doesn’t annoy users) is use your Facebook account as Facebook page. Then go to different related pages and other useful resources shared on Facebook. Comment them, Like them and Share them. Such comments, likes and shares would now be shown on your Facebook page. There are two way benefits to it. Firstly, you don’t have to go for finding interesting things on different sites to share and your page users will have interesting content to read on your pages now. Secondly, when you comment, share or like i.e. do some activity on some other page and if you have a beautiful comment out there then there are chances that people will click on you name i.e. on your page (as you are logged in with your page) name and will land on your page to read your interesting comments, share and stories. For this, you need to like page using your page.


The Search Engine. The activities mentioned above for SEO and SMO boosts up your SERPs in Google. And you know that most of the traffic comes from Search Engines.


Another popular Search Engine. Good amount of traffic comes from Bing as well.

Site analysis

Analyzing your web property is very important for small and basic errors and warnings including w3c compliance, meta tags, use of H1 tags etc. There are different sites which analyses different aspects your web property.

  • (meta tags)
  • (HTML, XHTML markup validation)

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