KB Free PHP Scripts

KB PHP Scripts offers you easy to use and implement Free PHP Scripts for download! Here, you can download various easy to use scripts. Also, you can rate and review these free scripts here. Though these scripts are Free but I may provide support for them, if I get some free time. Please feel free … Read more

Google+ the New Social Network by Google

Google+ is a new social network by Google. It aims at exploiting the difficulty of sharing information with only a small group of online friends, such as a user’s close personal friends, rather than with all of their social connections that include work colleagues and others. Google says, “At the moment, we’re testing with a small … Read more

Find and remove similar or duplicate content using PHP

Often we want to search, find or remove duplicate and similar content from our data base containing articles, text, messages etc. It is easy to do so manually if you have only 100 or so records in your database. But to handle large number of records it is bit time consuming and for even more … Read more

How to get a value from a table using functions and return count

How to get a value from a table using functions and return count: Write a simple query and pass the parameters: function somename($tablename, $colnam, $colvalue, $mode, $returncolnam) { Select $returncolnam from $tablenam where $colnam=$colval } Note: For $returncolnam you can also use array number starting from 0.

What is in a Username?

Username as we call it is an online identifier for a user on a website. For some sites it is your email address and for others it is this name, the Username. With a Username one can login into a website (of course password is required too), basically Username identifies you for a website. Now … Read more

How to choose a Password?

Hard to guess, easy to remember is the key rule. While choosing a password one should always remember that it should not be too obvious for people who know you to guess it out. It generally said that your password should be your name, last name, nick name, username etc. Most sites now prevent you … Read more