‘Why these ads’ effect on Google Adwords

A new tweak to ads in Google Search results and in Gmail will solve the mystery of why you these ads are being shown. So,  for “Why these ads” link,  one can find out why an ad is being shown to you. By clicking the link next to ads in the Google search results and Gmail one will be able to see information about why a specific ad appeared.

In addition to it a user can have greater control on ads through improved Ads Preferences Manager, where a user will be able to block advertisers or turn off personalized ads. There are options for Blocked Advertisers and Opt Out.

In Blocked Advertisers, a user can block up to 500 advertisers. Just block ads that you don’t like and by blocking an ad, that ad and any other ad linking to that website will no longer appear in Gmail or Google search result (a user is required to be logged in).

Opt Out is just that simple, if you don’t want to see personalised ads from Google, you can opt out at any time. But what Opting Out means? After opting out, user will still see relevant ads, but Google won’t use any additional information to personalise ads on Google search and Gmail. The opt-out setting doesn’t apply to ads on other websites. And by opting out, user will no longer be able to block specific advertisers.

More can be read at: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/learn-more-about-ads-in-gmail.html and http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/increasing-transparency-and-choice-with.html

So, what would be the effect on Google Adwords? or Will there be any effect at all?

If something has been tweaked, there should be an effect or change. So, if users opt out, though they still will be able to see relevant ads which is happening now. And if they don’t, then more relevant ads will be shown and more chances of clicking on ads and better adwords response.

According to some stats, after opting in, upto 18% fewer ads than opted-out users are seen and opted-in users are 41% more likely to click ads than opted-out users. This 41% increase in chances would definitely result in higher traffic to sites and goal achievement.
Going deeper, what would be the effect on the ad ranking factor. If users are not clicking on your ads in Google Search results, the ad position ranking is lowered. So, in the new case what would be the deciding factor for ads that are being shown to Opt In users and Opt out Users. Will there be an option for advertisers that they want to show ads to opt-in users only. Because if your ads are displayed to opt-in users only you will have better chances of ad getting clicked as compared to ads shown to opt-out users.
So, during opt-in you will receive more clicks, better ad position and good overall weightage.

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