Facebook Like for Like – Pages & Groups

Pages and Groups in Facebook are about regularly updating them, reaching more audience and getting active interactions. Pages and Groups are about individual, brand or service etc. Owner or admin of Page and Group most often wants to promote it to grab more audience either as Page Likes or Group Members.

There could be many ways to promote a page or group. Key method is better content and engaging community. This method work as follows.

  • Start by inviting friends. But before this set Cover Photo and Profile Photo (for Pages). Add description and around 5 relevant posts based on topic, interest, name of Page/Group.
  • How better, relevant content results in more audience is that members/followers may like these posts, provide replies which would be shown on their walls. From their walls more people will view them. With more engagement of existing members there is more probability of reaching to new audience from wall updates.

Coming to Like for Like method is something like Link exchange technique. This technique was very popular to promote websites and blogs. With changes in search algorithms weightage to link exchange has decreased but for a social networking site this still can do wonders because of being social.

As mentioned earlier that it is similar to website link exchange but good thing here is that it is social in nature. In website link exchange links were seen by site visitors and some users would click it to reach destination website. It was just about that site visitor. In Like for Like or Like exchange when one person Like it it appears on its wall which his/her friends and followers can see and can also Like the page (without Link Exchange this time). So, with 1 Like Exchange a chain would start of increasing Likes (not every time though and eventually will stop). With Like Exchange page updates would also be shown on member’s wall and if he/she Likes it then his/her friends will get to know about the Like through wall.

For Like Exchange do take care with whom you are doing it. Like Exchange could be good when done with Page/Group having similar interest, concept. As posts would be on similar interests and Post reach would be Liked by people having similar interests.


Your are Admin of Page A

Admin 2 is having Page B (same interest)

Admin 3 is having Page C (different interest)

Case 1:

Like Exchange with Page B

You make a new post 1 on Page A. Post 1 is displayed on Admin 2’s wall. As admin 2 have same interest as the Page A there are more chances that he will like the post. In case Admin 2 likes the post then it would be displayed on his friends and followers wall. If friends and followers have similar interest to Admin 2 then chances of more posts like and therefore Page A likes.

Case 2:

Like Exchange with Page C

You make a new Post 2 on Page A. Post 2 is displayed on Admin 3’s wall. As Admin 3’s Page C is having different interest then Page A there are less chances that Admin 3 will like the post (if Admin 3 also doesn’t have this interest). In case Admin 3 doesn’t likes the post then it wouldn’t be displayed on his friends and followers wall. So there are chances of Less Likes.

For Groups it would be Group Memberships and Exchanges. Group Memberships could be less helpful because people generally want users to be more engaging in groups and too inline with interest of Group. It would be similar to Like Exchange where user can join other Group. Benefits would be similar to Like Exchange system. Post 1 in Group A will be displayed on Admin 2’s wall. If Admin 2 likes the Post 1 then Admin 2’s friends and followers will be able to see Post 1 on their walls. In such case there are chances of having more memberships.

Other way could be Group Exchange. Promoting Group link in other Groups. Group owners/admin can post Group Link/Ad in other Group for promotion of their Groups. In this case it would perform better if Group to which link is being posted is of similar interest. Members of Group B would be more interested for a Group which is similar to their interest.

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