Gmail, the Google Email service is ever evolving with new features. There are lot of new features coming in Gmail with easy accessibility and quick navigation. Recently, so many changes have been done for easier reply in the form of conversation, new look and themes etc.
Some more features that can be incorporated and changes that still can be done:
- Notes- there is already a tasks feature within Gmail. But a need for Notes is still there. With this feature users will be able to add notes and comments to any mail or conversation and can search them as well. Though this can be done by drafts to some level but Notes as a separate feature with some more improvements would be great.
- Log – various actions are taken and that too very frequently. Like reading a mail, composing, sending, saving deleting and archiving. Along, with these actions other includes labeling, moving to Spam, undo sending a mail, undo an action etc. Some times it happens that when you have undo Send for a mail enabled and you send a mail and then do some other action quickly and now you want to undo Send then you can’t see that option any more. In the top right area there should be list of all last few actions taken (can be added in Labs) and an option to undo them.
If GMAIL makes the user interface changes that they’re proposing then it will be a huge FAIL for that new interface is horrendous.
PROTECT CERTAIN EMAILS FROM ACCIDENTAL DELETION :-GMAIL RnD team should consider this as one important new feature to beincorporated in their future upgradation of gmail web app.
As such the Gmail users need a PRE DEFINED FUNCTIONAL LABEL named “DONOT DELETE” or “PROTECT THIS MAIL” something of this sort… Where byif certain mails are marked under this label which should protectthese email during an accidental deletion or mass deletion of emails.Also If in future if the user needs to delete even this PROTECTEDEMAIL, WHICH SHOULD PROMPT HIM to reenter his password or just a popupdelete confirmation before the actual deletion.
May be the way i have narrated might be confusing but actually thismight be a good feature if GMAIL incorporates.